Sleeping Rough
The Victor Harbor & Port Elliot Lions Club have a new project to assist our local community, that may be experiencing either homelessness or financial stress, due to our current economical climate we currently live in.
This project provides personal packs for men, women, babies and children. These packs are supplied at no cost to all recipients.
Travel sized items include for either gender, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, tissues, hand wipes, combs and razors.
Female specific sanitary items, hairpins, hair ties, lip balm, brush (fold up type) and shower caps.
Victor Harbor & Port Elliot Lions will be supplying these packs by way or our usual fund-raising initiatives and are hoping for assistance from our Community. We are asking for donations, of travel size products as shown in the picture suitable for men and women. Have a look in your bathroom cupboards you may be surprised to find unopened items collected whilst on holidays, unused gifts and products you have been given or purchased and forgotten about. Place these items in a bog and contact one of our members listed below, who will be happy to collect these items from you.
The picture shows David Walker one of our very hard working volunteers, packing personal packs to be distributed to our local community that are experiencing either homelessness or financial stress. Well done David Walker for all the work you have put into this project.
David Bond 0418 858 319, Karen Winston 0430 089 771, David Walker 0402 390 607.
Stamp Collecting
On August 7th 2023 Malcolm Wheeler was on the hunt for 200 used stamps. When he gets them, this will bring the total stamps collected to 200,000 the total number he has collected since he and his wife Jenny moved to Elliot Gardens in 2019.
The Stamps have been donated by residents, by people outside the village and from various stores. They include stamps from Australia, England and from countries all around the world, with Malcolm describing the local stamps as most colourful.
On a recent visit to our Adelaide Op Shop, Malcolm came away with 17,000 stamps which only cost him $40.00 and some petrol.
Once collected Malcolm rids the stamps of any “waste paper” and donates them to Victor Harbor & Port Elliot Lions Club. They then are given to the Lions International Stamp Club which presents the stamps to stamp auctions where they are bought by agents and offered to collectors around the world.
Malcolm has been advised that since this fund-raising activity was started by Lions International 17 years ago $320,000.00 has been donated to the Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation.
The photo shows Malcolm with a collection of 10,468 stamps, mostly donated by residents, which were about to be sent to the Local Lions Club.
Recent update in September Lions sold $8,600 worth of mint stamps.
Since June 2024 $19,000 has been raised from stamps.
107 boxes have been shipped to Sydney for December auctions.

Skin Cancer Screening
In 2020, there were 1401 deaths from melanoma of the skin in Australia (939 males & 462 females).
In 2022, it is estimated that 17,756 new cases of melanoma of the skin will be diagnosed in Australia. (10,374 males & 7382 females).
More than two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. About 2,000 Australians die from skin cancer each year.
Our Lions Club is proud to support the joint C1 & C2 District project providing free skin cancer screenings across South Australia and the Northern Territory.
Victor Harbor & Port Elliott Lions are extremely proud of the response from our Community to the Skin Cancer Screening conducted on the 6th & 7th May 2023.
All available time slots over the two days were filled with 6% of the total numbers screened being referred to a GP for further investigation.
Thank-you to the Screeners and to our Communities response in making this project so successful.
Our next visit from the Lions Screening unit will be in Yankalilla early 2025.

Youth Exchange Program
On the 17th to 27th January 2023 an International Camp for youths aged 16 to 20 commenced at the Willow Creek Adventure camp in Victor Harbor. Many activities were planned and for some of these young people, they ate a hamburger and saw the sea for the very first time. We had participants from all over the globe. Mani from Austria, Emma from Canada, Chan Hou from Malaysia, Lewis and Orgil from Mongolia and Alex from NZ. After a few days at Willow Creek camp they continued their journey to Camp Nora Yo-Long on the Southern Port Highway situated between Beachport and Millicent.
In the next coming year 2024, the camp will move onto Kangaroo Island for another experience of not only creating fun for these young people but also to teach them about the environment and our country Australia. After a few days at KI, they will then continue to camp Nora Yo-Long again before returning home.
Lions Youth Camps and Exchange have had youth programs running all around the world. The program aims to help youth to develop leadership qualities, self-esteem and build on their skills with a second language. It helps to be understanding of themselves and their world around them and it also cultivates new friendships with people from different backgrounds and beliefs.
The Youth Exchange program gives Australian Youth ages 15-20 an opportunity to travel overseas independently and safely.
The Youth Exchange program is a Lions International program, held each year, where local Lions Clubs are able to sponsor the youth from many countries around the world. Home hosted, both here in Australia or overseas, young people are given the opportunity to travel around the world for the first.
This is another Service Project that Lions Australia and Lions International, work hand in hand to give these young people a taste and experience that they may never have again.
Victor Harbor Pageant
To really feel part of our Victor Harbor community, it was decided 3 years ago to take part in the Rotary Pageant held in December each year.
Coming up with new themes each year wasn’t hard and we started off with: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe from the Narnia books by CS Lewis, The Lion King and Lions at Work.
With a team of talented members, we were able to add in the Roar of Lions and Christmas songs. The look on the faces of thousands of children, and their parents, lining the streets of Victor Harbor told us it was worth every minute spent decorating our trailer and dressing ourselves up.
Can’t wait for the next pageant.

Lions Park
The Lions Park is close to existing barbecues, playground, toilets with plenty of parking. One of the future aims of Lions members is to entice the public into the area with new and interesting ideas. Table and Chairs have now been erected and we hope that visitors and residents will find this park a quiet area to enjoy the scenery of this beautiful region of South Australia.

Victor Harbor Information Bay
For more than thirty years the Lions Club Information Bay has been a valuable source of knowledge for the general public. It has also given local business and other voluntary organisations an opportunity to promote their activities. Situated in the parking bay adjacent to the Adelaide Waterport roads intersection, the Information Bay is in a prime position to attract a wide spectrum of the population. Offering valuable information to both travellers to our area, or local residents, we welcome any business or voluntary organisation(s) to advertise in our bay for a very economical rate of $66.00 per year for a 600cm x 800cm sign. Larger signs are also available on a pro rata basis. Victor Harbor & Port Elliott Lions offer a 50% discount to voluntary organisations. For any further queries please contact Lion Member Don Thorpe on 0458 195 384 .
Hospital Screens

Anzac Day Events
Our club hopes to meet our large population of Veterans plus families and Community wishing to pay their respects on Anzac Day 2024.
You can find Victor Harbor & Port Elliot Lions Club every year at the Soldiers’ Memorial Gardens in Victor Harbor at the dawn service.
Our club is honoured to provide a free breakfast after the service along with help of the CWA ladies who provide the drinks.
“We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail.”-
“Never was so much owed by so many, to so few .”-
“Valour is stability, not of legs and arms of courage and the soul.”-
“We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.”_
“Lest we forget.”-

Surf Lessons
The Para Hills High School recently took a trip to Middleton’s Surf Beach where the students were given surfing lessons – what an awesome experience! And to top it off, the Lion Club of Victor Harbor & Port Elliot provided a delicious sausage sizzle lunch for everyone to enjoy.
Lions Recycle for Sight
Lions Recycle for Sight Australia has collected millions of pairs of used spectacles, sunglasses, new frames and other equipment. The program distributes regraded, or refurbished, spectacles to many parts of the world to Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs and other humanitarian organisations for distribution to people in need, with no expense or obligation for the recipient.
Since the Australian program started in the early 1990s, the program has delivered over 2.5 million pair to countries in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Indian Sub-continent, East Asia, and the Far East, including China, the countries of the Pacific Rim and Southern Asia and Oceania.
If you have any glasses, or sunglasses, that you no longer use or need, then why not recycle them by donating them to this great program. Victor Harbor & Port Elliot Lions Club have collected 700 pairs of glasses this month. National Pharmacies send their glasses to a national area where they then sort out and send then to Lions in Brisbane. Currently Specsavers and OPSM located in the Victor Harbor Mall are just two of our outlets who support this great cause. We are also currently negotiating collections from other optometrists in our local area.

Area Cleanup
Every few weeks, our members go up to Cut Hill on the Victor Harbor Road to cut back the weeds and give the area a good clean up. This is a project working along side of Kebsab and has been a long standing project for our club.

Car Rally
Our members supported the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club of Australia as they travelled from Hahndorf to Victor Harbor in March 2023.
There were approximately 70 cars present on the day, ranging from models from 1921 to 2023.
We had 6 of our members marshal for the event.